Why is Turkey not granting humanitarian residence permits? Why are humanitarian residence permits being cancelled and not extended?

The political crises in Turkey, the war environment in the world, and the economic contraction have accelerated the policy of returning immigrants to their countries. The Covid-19 virus has created a global economic collapse, causing closed factories and halted production to lead to waves of migration.

Turkey is a country directly affected by the conflicts and instability in the Middle East due to its geographical location, historical ties, and cultural proximity. In particular, the civil war in Syria that began in 2011 led to millions of Syrian immigrants flocking to Turkey. While Turkey provided humanitarian aid to Syrian immigrants, it also made political and military efforts to help them return to their country. However, the prolongation and complication of the war in Syria made the return of immigrants difficult.

Especially in recent years, events such as increasing terrorist attacks and attempted coups have affected the stability of the country. This situation has also caused economic difficulties and negatively affected important sectors such as the tourism industry. In addition, Turkey’s long-standing high inflation rates, fluctuations in exchange rates, and high unemployment rates also make the country’s economic situation difficult.

The Covid-19 pandemic worldwide has caused a major economic crisis, and many countries have taken tough measures to combat this crisis. Closed factories and halted production lines have led to an increase in unemployment rates and the formation of migration waves. In particular, job losses in sectors where many immigrants work have led to an increase in migration waves. Additionally, many countries have imposed travel restrictions due to the pandemic, preventing immigrants from returning to their countries.

What is Humanitarian Residence?

“Residence” means that a person resides in a specific place. Humanitarian residence is a term used to protect the right of any person who wants to live in a country, whether by choice or out of necessity, such as refugees, immigrants, and other individuals, to benefit from basic human rights, regardless of their legal status.

Humanitarian residence permit is a type of residence permit regulated in Article 46 of the Foreigners and International Protection Law No. 6458. According to this article, foreigners who need to stay in Turkey for humanitarian reasons can be granted a humanitarian residence permit by the governorships with the approval of the General Directorate. Compliance with the periods determined by the Ministry is mandatory when granting or extending this permit.

Our law firm, Sezgen Law, is an organization that provides legal counseling services related to refugees, immigrants, and other foreigners in Turkey. Our law firm aims to ensure the right to live legally recognized for refugees and other foreigners in Turkey and also provides them with education, healthcare, and other basic human rights. We inform immigrants about their legal rights and provide them with legal support services. We also work to facilitate their access to justice services in cases where immigrants are victims. All of these activities are just a part of the work being done to protect and improve the basic human rights of immigrants.

Migration Policy and Reasons for Rejection

Turkey’s economy has faced many challenges in recent years, and this has also affected applications for humanitarian residence permits. Due to economic difficulties, the applications of foreigners coming to Turkey are evaluated more strictly and are being rejected.

In recent years, due to the difficult economic conditions worldwide, many foreigners have wanted to migrate to Turkey. However, in addition to economic conditions, the chances of foreigners finding employment in Turkey have also become increasingly difficult. This has resulted in many foreigners having their applications for humanitarian residence permits rejected.

Humanitarian residence permits allow foreigners to legally stay in Turkey for a certain period of time. However, certain criteria and documents are required for these permits to be granted. Due to the difficult economic conditions in Turkey, these criteria have become even stricter, and applications for humanitarian residence permits have been rejected.

As Turkey’s economic conditions improve and foreigners’ chances of finding employment increase, the chances of applications for humanitarian residence permits being accepted will also increase. However, it is important for foreigners to be properly informed during this process and to prepare the necessary documents on time.

When filing a case against a rejection in a humanitarian residence application, it is important to pay attention to certain things.

The reasons why the applicant fled their country and sought refuge in Turkey must be thoroughly researched and explained in detail.

Here are 5 things to consider in humanitarian residence cases:

  1. The applicant should present a strong and detailed explanation of why they fled their own country.
  2. Concrete evidence should be provided to show that the applicant is not safe in Turkey. This evidence could include human rights violations, persecution, torture, etc.
  3. Detailed information should be provided about living conditions, housing, healthcare, employment opportunities, etc. in the applicant’s home country.
  4. Documents such as passport or other identity papers should be provided to establish the applicant’s foreign nationality.
  5. An experienced lawyer should be consulted. Humanitarian residence cases involve areas such as international law, human rights law, and immigration law. An experienced lawyer can protect the applicant’s rights and take all necessary steps to represent them properly.



Ali is living in Iran and had to explain why he wants to seek asylum in Turkey during his humanitarian residence case. Ali stated that the government in his region of Iran discriminates against Sunni Muslims, and he has been subjected to pressure because of this. Ali also mentioned that he is not safe in Iran because he is unable to find a job due to discrimination. Additionally, he highlighted the human rights violations carried out by the government in Iran. Ali expressed his desire to be safe in Turkey and applied for humanitarian residence.


Fatemeh has applied for asylum in Turkey, coming from Afghanistan. She explained that her life was in danger due to the pressure of the Taliban in Afghanistan and she had to flee with her family. Fatemeh stated that the Taliban practices discrimination and violence against women and restricts the right to education. She also mentioned that they are constantly under threat of bomb attacks due to the Taliban’s attempts to overthrow the government. Fatemeh expressed her desire to be safe in Turkey and applied for humanitarian residence.

We have a permanent translator on our WhatsApp line. You can send us your documents and get legal support by messaging us.

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